server side rendering


Consideretions before you start using the SSR feature

Vue Email

This feature is new and experimental. Please report any issues you find on GitHub. Note this feature is only available on version 0.6.0 and above, please update your package to use it.

Tho this feature is experimental, it is still very powerful, if you are souly using vue and vue-components imports, auto importing is not supported yet, and it will be a while till its supported.

  • Render Single File Components from the server side.
  • Auto import Components in your emails folder.

NOTE: For Nuxt it will always be the emails folder for now, and for node, since you have the option to pick wich folder you wanna use, that will be your default folder to load components from.

  • Auto import vue imports (computed,ref....)
✅ Correct Format
<script setup>
// Import what you need from vue.
import { defineProps, computed } from 'vue'

const props = defineProps({
  name: String

const username = computed(() =>

      <!-- Importing Components that lives inside the emails folder is supported -->
      <h1>Welcome {{ username }}</h1>